“The Poet” by Alan Bell
ArcheDream for HUMANKIND’s “The Poet” by Alan Bell. From “The Poet’s Dream.” Visit http://www.adhk.org for more info.The Poet for me is the archetype of consciousness, the one who absorbs all experience and reflects human being through his words. He fuses spirituality with sensuality to awaken us to our Being, circumscribed by theĀ all-inclusive Universe and felt within the living human body. His loyalty to the species renders him in the likeness of a Sentinel, a watchman, a witness of Humankind. He is fully surrendered to the human condition and through his submission he discovers the entire living generation and speaks to us as an oracle and guide in despite of fear, death and ignorance. He knows life to the bone, and attends to all experience like a lover in pursuit of a dream.
Hi Alan, This is the show that started it all, at least for me. So happy that you and Glenn connected. What an experience it has been! What a wonderful series of birthday presents Glenn developed for you. Have a great trip to South Africa. Judy and Mike